The People's Internet Logo

The People's Internet

Let's make an internet built for everyone

Our goal, with your help, is to push forward the ability of any person to access various services on the internet for free. We believe the internet is something that can be used to everyone's advantage, but is currently misused and mismanaged to a high degree. It is fully possible to fix this without any majorly jarring change, and it can even be profitable to the people providing the services.

While many people are currently prohibited from paying the cost of an online service by their economic situation, services can be offered free while still gaining profit from advertising or a paid tier. If a paid tier is to be included in any of these applications, it is to be done within reason. No intrusive watermarks, or limitation of core service. Paid tiers should only offer convenience, or access to resources that are expensive to the provider. Otherwise, the initial problem will have been reinstated in a different form.

If the internet can be made accesible to anybody not just in access but in use, other things could follow. As the internet is a core force in connecting our world, the ripple effect of changes to it could be major in just about every way. At the moment, from all of the paywalls and greedy behavior that form the foundation of the internet as we know it, major problems including income disparity are being pushed forward. Many merely watch. Although we don't believe we can fix anything permanently, we can help. It is the right thing to do.

As we aim to create and encourage the creation of free services online, we also aim to make the public more aware of these services. The more informed the population of these free alternatives, the more they will be utilized. By taking these two steps, creating free services and informing others, the internet can be made in service of everybody. That is what we and many other creators online are aiming to accomplish, and the steps we are taking to get there. We want you to join those creators in pushing the world forward, as you now have a good chance to make a big impact.

What you can do